
“踢不烂”大黄靴也曾经是九十年代嘻哈穿搭中的宠儿。为了回顾当年的风貌,重现纽约九十年代的街头风格,Timberland 特别推出了 “TIMBS ON MY FEET”系列。该系列运用土黄,深蓝,墨绿等大地色系和 oversized 的剪裁,打造出教练夹克,棉质束口裤,连帽卫衣等一系列单品,搭配上经典的大黄靴,再现九十年代 old school 的街头风貌。该系列目前仅在台湾独家发售,Timberland 还邀请到台湾知名街舞舞者 Nike Chen 和 Artshow Chen 拍摄广告,为嘻哈穿搭注入灵魂。此外为了切合 “TIMBS ON MY FEET” 主题,Timberland 还整理出一份历史上曾经提到过 “大黄靴” 的嘻哈歌单,小编也为大家送上链接,感兴趣的朋友可以顺着歌词,跟随歌单,一起回忆。1.“ Timbsfor my hooligans in Brooklyn” The Notorious B.I.G. / “ Hypnotize” 2.“Suede Timbson my feet makes my cipher complete” Nas / “ The World is Yours”3.“It don’t make sense, goin’ to heaven with the goodie-goodies/Dressed in white, I like black Timbsand black hoodies” The Notorious B.I.G. / “ Suicidal Thoughts”4.“My Timbsstart feeling like they Nike Airs on me” Jadakiss / “ Run”5.“In my leather and my Timbs like it’s 1998” Drake / “ The Motion”6.“Remember baggy jeans, the Timberlandsin November/Shorty called me Santa in December” Wu-Tang Clan / “ Duck Seazon”7.“Check the square roots, Girbauds and Timberland boots” Lauryn Hill / “ Nappy Heads Remix”8.“The power of the truth was shooting through my Timberlands” Diddy / “ Best Friend”9.“In Brooklyn I rock Timberlands” The Game / “ Let Us Live”

source: OVERDOPE