乌克兰禁欲系艺术家AL?NA OLASYUK
Today we had Ukrainian artist AL?NA OLASYUK with us.
There are only black and white in her artwork
Leave shiny black traces on the white paper
Show you that monochrome pictures can also be awesome!
1、Hello Al?na,Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?// 阿莲娜,可以向iBranco的读者介绍一下你自己吗?
Hi, Im Al?na Olasyuk, an artist. I was born in Russia, grow up in Ukraine and now live in China for more than 8 years.
// 大家好,我是阿莲娜·奥拉绣克,一名艺术家。我出生于俄罗斯,在乌克兰长大,现在在中国已经生活了8年多。
2、We know that you have your own fashion brand. So whatinspired you on creating DYWWA? // 我们了解到你有自己的独立设计师品牌,是什么样一个契机促使你创立了DYWWA?
DYWWA was designed as a brand, where I combined a wood carved printand T-shirt. It's a piece of artwork that you can wear rather than only hang on a wall.I hope to attract more attention to art in a more common way, through fashion.
// DYWWA (Do You Want to Wear an Art?)这个品牌的灵感来源于木板刻画与T恤的碰撞,它是一件可以挂在墙上,还可以穿在自己身上的艺术作品。创建品牌的初心是希望通过人们最熟悉的方式-衣物,引导更多人注意时尚艺术。
DYWWA:"Do you want to wear an art?"
When I was creating this brand, I didn’t have much financial possibilities to start my own production line. Therefore, I just print everyT-shirt when I have an order, it is quite limited and unique.
// 当我创建这个品牌的时候,我没有太多的经济支撑来开始DYWWA的生产线。每件T恤都是当我收到订单的时候才会印制,它们是限量并且独特的。
3、In a few words, how would you describe your artisticstyle?// 你会用哪几个词来描述你的艺术风格?
Some people said that my art is combination of Russian constructivism and Chinese traditional painting. I think it perfectly describes what I do. As I experiment with Chinese ink in very geometrical way.
// 有人说我的艺术是俄罗斯建构主义和中国国画的结合,我认为这完美地描述了我所做的事情,我习惯使用中国墨绘画时带着一种几何学的风格。
4、How do you think of China? Why did you choose developyour career in China?// 你认为中国怎么样?为什么会选择来中国发展?
I didn’t choose it, it just happened that I come here to study Chinese language. And after graduated from Beijing Institute of Fashion technology, I continue to develop myself here. I’m glad that I have a chance to live and become an artist in China.
// 我没有刻意去选择,从刚开始来到中国学习汉语,到北京服装学院毕业后留在这里继续发展,一切都发生得自然而然。我很高兴有机会在这里生活,并成为一个艺术家。
5、What is your daily schedule? What are you doing most of the day? // 你的作息是怎样的?你每天大部分时间都在做什么?
My day usually have 3 parts… First part of the day, from7 am to noon I do art. Afternoon to 6-7pm I work, I have almost full time job in one educational company. And duringthe evening, there is usually for meetings or I will be back to work on my art, but sometimes I’d like to accept interviews, deal with social media or mailingand so on.
// 我的一天通常由三部分组成:从早上七点到中午,进行艺术创作;下午一直到6、7点,我会去工作,我有一份近乎全职的教育机构的工作;晚上通常是开会,或者回到我的艺术作品上。但有时会像现在一样,接受采访,处理社交媒体或邮寄等等。
6、What are the inspirations for your artistic creation? // 你艺术的创作灵感来自哪里?
I think generally inspiration comes from everything, as whatever surrounding you will influence you. But particularly I feel more inspired from religion, architecture, history… The process of my art creation is actually its own inspiration.
// 我认为灵感来源于一切,无论你身边的环境是什么都会影响你。对于我来说,我从宗教、建筑、历史中会受到更多的启发。艺术创作实际上也是灵感迸发的过程。
7、Why is your painting only in black and white? What do you think of white? // 我们了解到你的作品都是非黑即白,你个人又是怎么看待白色的?
I like black and white when I was young, maybe because my father used to draw a lot by pen, so I got this love from him. Black and white are the most basic and simplest colors, they are not very emotional, so the painting/drawing by those colors appear to be calmer.
// 我从小就喜欢黑白,也许是因为父亲用铅笔和钢笔画了很多东西,所以我是继承了他的爱好。黑白是非常基本和简单的颜色,它们不是很感性,所以这两个颜色的绘画更加平静。
It is a balance between black and white,Those colors have to be together to create the balance and white is the necessary part.
8. What are your next steps in the future? Do you have any upcoming projects? // 你在未来有什么打算?在近期有什么动作吗?
My forever plan is work, study and develop myself every moment. Soon there will be a new DYWWA art, new drawings. Not much shows planned, so if you have any propositions please let me know))) I am willing to collaborate!
// 我的长远计划是工作,每一天每一刻不断地学习和提升。在未来很快就会有新的DYWWA艺术项目,新的画作。但近期不计划开展展览,如果你们有任何想法可以让我知道,我非常乐于协作!
9.At last, what is your first impression on iBranco? And do you have any advice for us?// 最后,你对iBranco的第一印象是?有什么建议吗?
I think you guys have the nice and clean style which I like and appreciate. Just do whatever you are doing, push it and listen to your inner voice. Only you will know what is the best for you.
// 我认为你们有非常好和非常干净的风格,我很喜欢也很欣赏。坚持你正在做的事情,努力去推动它,听听你内心的声音,只有你们自己知道什么是最适合你们的。
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